Smart City

Realtime detection of potholes from streaming videos

Potholes are formed due to wear and tear and weathering of roads. They cause not only discomforts to citizens but also deaths due vehicle accidents. The US records more than 2000 fatal accidents per year due to potholes and bad road conditions. In the US, it is estimated that the potholes cause $3Billion losses annually.

We have trained a computer vision model that is able to detect potholes in images and streams of videos at a high speed.

There are numerous use cases of this detection system. For example, a civic authority can detect and locate potholes and assess their magnitudes so that they can plan for repairs. Cameras installed on moving vehicles can detect potholes in realtime and help drivers avoid potholes.

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If you are working on a data engineering or AI solution, trying to explore a use case, or building a proof-of-concept, please contact us for a one-on-one discussion.